Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Braindumped by shutterblogs at 7/20/2005 11:29:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Jeans up in summer's peak
The worse feeling is when the sun's out and I'm indoor. Guilt itself will oust me out of that door and if I don't it will only invade my very being. In one aspect, Mr Guilt is an angelic philantropist. But I'll go out in my jeans and my legs will be begging to be set free; to see the skies; to feel the air; to breathe! But I don't have any so they are just going to be as trapped as they already are.
Do I really need one or perhaps a pair? I don't even have a TV set. I mean, these are the things that, according to Ling, "can wait" as they are not absolutely necessary. I remember once HF told me that she likes to have a set of clothings for every seasons of the year, including her hairpins. I noted her insinuations but I don't think I am ever going to start that uhh, metamorphic cycle. Like to think of myself as a snake that shed skins every once in a while but it's still the very same skin. I couldn't imagine an amphibious phyton in striking colors during summer, perhaps to attract its counterpart and increase its probability to find a mating partner? Just very comfy in my jeans. They are not the most fashionable but I am not really into the ups and downs of the couture culture.
My Cousins in London
There are a lot of missing persons pictures/mugshots on newspapers front page since Friday of last week. My cousins have not contacted me and I have no idea on their whereabouts. I know KW has gone to Russia for vacation with her guy but the other two KY and KJ, who frequently uses the tube, are a mystery. I pray and hope I dont ever see them on the headlines of any newspaper. God bless!
Braindumped by shutterblogs at 7/13/2005 03:28:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 11, 2005
London's blast
Everything is okay over here in Leeds on the day the blast happened and after. Quite peaceful out here although a couple of days back when I was watching Madagascar in a theater I thought terrorists just strike the cinema. an annoucement was made saying "attention everyone, a situation has arisen. please make your way out to the exit!"
Hundreds of people thronged to the parking lot. some confused some panicked. Parents calming down their ten year olds daughters who can't help crying. From the parkade we all saw huge black smoke rising into the air from the roofs of the cinema building but could not determine what was burning. it smells like burnt rubber or its byproducts (plastics etc.)
Later, it was safe to go back in and found out that it was the premise's garbage compactors that got burned. We all given each a complimentary tickets when movie-goers exited the building again at the end of the movie. False alarm.
But yeah, it was frightenning and panicky to be in that situation and environment especially having in mind the recent blast in London caused by the cowardly terrorists on Friday last week. The next day Saturday the 9th, a suicide bomber ticked off in a double decker bus and killed several people. God, what in the world is going on with these lunatical dimwitted fanatics. Killing innocent people does not and will not ever solve whatever issues or the cause they are fighting for.
I have, however, been trying to contact my cousins in London but were unable to because cellular companies operating in that region has completely shut off communication services... either that or it's been ever so busy to get through their line. I have no idea where Khyewuen, Khyeying, Khyejiat, and Kokyee is. They are daily commuters of the tube. My prayers are with them.
Braindumped by shutterblogs at 7/11/2005 04:49:00 PM 0 comments
From the balcony
Ah, I could just let out a great sigh of relief now that the hassles of moving from one place to another is over. Finding a place to live in Leeds is not an easy one especially when one does not either belong to the EEC or not a British national and not a home-owner and employed. There was no way for me to find a guarantor who fulfilled all the requirements above.
Visited IKEA Leeds, which is a 30 minutes bus ride from downtown. I thought I could recognise the directions so I don't have to bus again when I have my own transport but, boy, I was wrong. It's extremely different from block systems used in North American cities (including Canada).
Anyway, I got back couple of furnitures to decorate up the empty apartment I will be renting for 12 months. A coffee/tea table for the lounge, a bookshelf for all the various areas of law (and a place for my DVD collections), and a study desk. Got some ceramic dishes and bowls too. After checking out at the till, I looked again at the receipt and felt that something was wrong. I was ridiculously overcharged by £15 by the cashier. I bought a total of four (4) plates but the receipt is showing I got a total of eight additional plates of the same kind. There was another item of plate that wasn't even in my basket. I wondered how did that ever got scanned in. After settling the dispute, headed back and started fixing up the wooden furnitures.
Yesterday, from the balcony, I witnessed a car accident unfolded on Lovell Park road, which is just right in front of me. I live on the 3rd floor so it was quite a view. The guy that got hit almost lost his head when he came out of his wheels to check the damage. Anyway, during the night it is the most comfortable of all places to be. The balcony is not too low to enjoy the city illuminating the night skies. Heh! But it's low enough to let in flying bugs into the apartment. I have really wondered if they (the bugs) will choke their lungs out if they fly higher. I think they do because I dont think there are many flying pests around for those who live 6 floors and above. The air is thinner the higher you go. <-- basic principles of geography.
Braindumped by shutterblogs at 7/11/2005 04:26:00 PM 0 comments