Sunday, June 06, 2004

What are your views on Blogging

I have been blogging almost daily, if not frequently. So have my friends. Today, I reflected on what we, youngsters as well as adults alike, are doing on the world wide web almost literally glued to our computers for hours -- blogging. Do we have a life?

What if you told you friend that you have a blog and s/he laughed at you and told you to get a life?! Don't we bloggers have a life to write about? We are, I think, constantly engaged in deep thoughts analysing situations and things simultaneously. We keep our brain active, thus alive. We do not want deadbrainstherefore, on the contrary, we want life and we have a life! Perhaps blogging is one of our lonely desperate means to communicating with people? There are some who even do it round the clock and their names get published on the WWW and gets interviews from media agencies. Uhh... is that their pathetic life? Can you say they have no life? If so, you're telling me there are few conditions one has to fulfill before they can be labelled "No life!" by blogging?

What keeps us coming back most of the time is that rewarding feeling about the things you wrote and somebody has read and commented on it. You may have written a good article/poem, or just plainly your dead boring story, however, even so, you'd often find yourself reading and re-reading what you wrote. Feels like you have succeeded or a sense of achievement. Don't you agree?

I can't be writing email to everybody about what's happening in my daily life, can I? Can you? What do you think?

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