Friday, October 08, 2004

月亮代表我的心 -- The moon symbolizes my heart

This is a classic chinese song, which my mom as well as me loved to listen to. The lyrics of this beautiful melody are as follows,




Unfortunately for those of you who cannot read and understand Chinese (I'm not claiming that I do perfectly but subconsciously I know I'm better than most of you), I apologize. I'll help you by translating most of it in due time. So, look back in here from time to time and check out for updates.

To add on, this song has moved me once back in 2001 where I celebrated my first white Christmas in Christopher Lake, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada. With us was the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship camp that invited most international students to join with them a camp that ran from 23rd to the 28th of December. A couple of Chinese nationals sang this beautiful song acapella and it almost sounded like a Christmas carol -- that of Silent Night -- to be frank. There was so much love to be felt when we all heard of this song on the eve of Christmas; not only the love of Christ and the immediate joyful ambience in conjuction with the birth of Christ but also the love that emanates from sweet voices of these two young ladies who sang the song like it was meant to be. The song enwraped us with full of warmth and comfort while the rest of us listened attentively while the fire woods in the chimney made some crackling sounds to add to the beat (I guess).

That night I don't quite remember if we had fullmoon but I do know we went outside in the minus 15's for a bondfire and BBQ marshmallows. The song will always and faithfully stay in my heart just as the moon faithfully shows itself fully every 29.53 days.

Generally, the song sings to express the depths of ones love can be seen or understood by the depth (as in distance) of the moon to earth as well as its bewitching aura it emits so mysterious yet so hypnotic. *fumbled at words! just wait for the direct translation.*

If anyone of you out there is willing to help out with the direct translation, please do not hessitate to do so by clicking on the "comment" link right at the below this posting.

Click here to watch and listen to the song. I've filtered through many and found this to be the best before I got too lazy again. hehe. Enjoy.

Thank you and later!

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