Tuesday, December 28, 2004

How can one turn around and laugh at the largest Asian tragedy and say how fortunate that his/her country is not affected? The earthquake alone has taken more than 20,000 lives and left millions of people homeless from eight countries surrounding the Indian ocean. A newly constructed airport in Male is submerged in waters rendering it useless for a period. Water-borne diseases spreading and killing people; no clean water to drink and this alone is a threat to human's health.

How inhumane are you to even afford a laugh at it. True, there's nothing you and I can do about it in terms of charitable resources when we're still students. It could very well be a very carefree temporal transient emotion as it has nothing to do with you, but think again, it has to do with every aspect of humanity. There are lots of people dying everyday, some of which I have never heard about and some of which news channels bombard our minds 24/7. Nobody laughs at tragedies whether or not it involves you.

Don't even memtion about the tragedy if you're in the middle of having fun/partying or in the middle of climax. Not that I care much about what's going on with other people's lives but perhaps we go back to the aged moral story that one should not laugh at the other who tripped and fell on shit. It could have been you swimming in a puddle of shits some days later.

Just moments ago, I was reflecting on the quake with a magnitude of 9.0 on the Ritcher's scale, supposedly to be the greatest quake since the 60's. The effect of this is so great primarily because the quake came from under the sea, where the tetonic plates shifted simultaneously. This caused waves to speed up to 500 km/h from the epicentre. It's like one throwing a stone into water producing ripple effects only it's from under. Mind you, the ripples are moving faster per second than you can imagine. These ripples brought about tsunamis as 'it' climbs up regional coasts forming a wall from 6m - 100m high (depending on the strength and speed of the tetonic movements). As a result, 6-9 countries (not including inhibited islands in the Indian ocean) were swept away and submerged in sea water.

What if, really, we could not stop a speeding meteor/meteorite from breaching earth's atmosphere? The impact on any ocean would be 100x worst than the tragic consequences the recent quake in Sumatra, Indonesia. The 'Ripple Effect' and eventually builds up enormous tsumanis could submerge continents in waters indefinitely as 'The Lost City of Atlantis' (could this be a myth?). There has been myths and rumors around saying that there is one asteroid big enough to annihilate the entire civilisation on earth. The worse part of this rumor is that the said asteroid's trajectory is heading to earth. Truth or myth? We can only wait and see if such disaster would unfold itself. May all sinners repent and asked for forgiveness, and God be with us then.

What if, again really, all the tetonic plates shifted simultaneously? All continents of this planet sits on a huge tetonic plate bordering one another.

The isolated antartica is extremely important and it does affect our lives in many ways. I have to admit there's not much I know about the place besides the wonderful creatures that live there, and snows and ice. The place is very sensitive to climate change and when some parts of antartica melts away, certain creatures will lose its feeding ground, affecting marine food chains, thereby affecting humans. Of course, it will take a long time before humans are directly affected.

昨晚上和郑欣吃了意大利面。 她的圣诞节过的满开心难忘的。我的呢。。。比不上。这几天什么都不想干可能在庆祝圣诞节。 从今起我必要努力写我的作文了。要不然的话就死定!

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