Tuesday, December 14, 2004


('' ) ( '') ('') (><") (^_') (^_^)hehe!

Unusual today that I felt extremely lazy. I just didn't want to do anything and that's what I did. Funny, somehow I thought of Samantha Li, the most gorgeous asian girl in Saskatoon I've seen so far. *day dreaming of her*

*wipe drools away*
Ok, back to reality!
Uh, what is reality by the way? I think reality is that I'm becoming more gay by reading more gay cases like Fitzpatrick v. Sterling Housing Association [1994] 1 AC 507 and Ghaidan v Mendoza [2002] 1 AC 360. Apparently, this two cases are so significant that turned the norms of every conventional society around especially viewing with the eyes of law. Ten years ago people would frown and laugh and ridicule when one mentions the possibilities of gay marriage.
Simply, the judgement of these two cases (significant precedences) the legislators have purportedly amended the gender-specific term "spouse" to "partner" or "civil partnership".

I'm sure everyone is very familiar with the terms "Man and wife" pronounce by a ceremonial priest/pastor in a holy matrimony. What does that mean? "Man and wife" does automatically connotes two specific genders, the male and the female, that will be in union. But "Man and man" or "Wife and wife" ??

Interesting, isn't it?

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