Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Apple Analogies

"the only one or one of the..."
"You have many apples, I'm only one of them..."
"stupid '..'"

were the names appearing on her MSN dropping negative hints. What struck me the most is the second.

[Crab] Apple trees were not few in sight in Saskatoon and when my eyes first spotted an apple tree, my feets were already taking my body to stand under the trees hoping to catch/harvest some good apples. There were more than a handful of rotten apples on the ground left to rot, its striking reddish-orange streaks skins no longer attracts any apple-hungry passerby as they are now dull and all wrinkled up, just waiting to be decomposed and return to nature's cycle of fruit reincarnation (if there is such thing).

No way I'm going to pick any of those apples on the ground to bring home and gather some guts to eat them. Naturally, I threw my head back and began scouting for the one big attractive apple. My search didn't take too long a time.
I had to get that particular one that's hanging out with 3 others.
That one is the biggest and appealed to me most.
That one is 'the' (extra emphasis) unique one.
I had to climb a few branches to shake it off.
I climbed back down with a few bruises on my arms and feet.
I got it. I got my 'unique' one and I'm going to treasure it
Months passed and that apple that sits on my shelves began to show signs of ageing;
It will become like those that were on the ground, the ones I did not even bother considering to take home;
Soon, like the rest of the apples on the ground 9 months ago, my 'unique' apple now looks haggard and wrinkled, weak and unattractive.
But that's the outside or the external look of my 'unique' apple;
But what's important is that even now my 'unique' apple looks dull and unattractive, that apple still gives out its apple scent aroma that never ceased to spice up the air of my room;
That apple-scent came from the inside, from the very heart of it where no eyes can see but only by feeling and smell.
But that's still my 'unique' apple I took home and sustained a few minor bruises;
I kept it for a long time.
I treasured it for as long as I could... just as a person's lifespan is only so much before s/he has to return to the earth with the help of those people whom love(d) him/her.

I have cherished.
I shall not fail to do the same. You are, really, the only apple of my eye. Not just one of them.

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