Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Snowy Snowy Day

Last night and until this time, snows and sleets and flurries came from the heavens and remained on the ground for good, which was something we never thought would happen since December.

I was still at University with the initial intention to study/read for Contract class but ended up playing and doing some silly things outside in the warmth of wintry evening of 1 centigrade. I was in my bermudas shorts without my underwear walking outside with my HushPuppies' loafers without socks. Snows gathered up to an inch and half over the period of 2-3 hours of occasional snowy clouds--that it came and went away and came again.

HF, was overly excited and overwhelmed as she has never seen nor experience such spellbounding beautiful phenomena. She's always wanted to build a snowman ever since her arrival but the English weather has disappointed her to almost giving up her hopes of ever seeing fresh snows on the ground and perhaps building and playing with snowman and snows. It is then very apparent to reason out her elations for last evening... and from my point of view, I totally find it absolutely hilarious to see her getting so restless outside. Eventually, we did build up a snowman on a parkade. As usual, I was the one who carved & shaped out everything Mr. Snowman should have as I was the one with experience. (I know, but i have to blow my own trumpet a little as I do take credit for this, hehehe!) The finished product is, apparently, the best looking snowman I've ever built since the last one built with our Mexican and Malaysian friends, which fancies my hat and gloves; Daniela's earrings; Ee Lynn's sun shades; Alex's sweather as Mr. Snowman's scarf, at The Bowl of the University of Saskatchewan last year.

I really thank God for last evening and today. Not that I've never seen it before, but ever since I left the land of "Ice & Rocks" (Cana-duhh), I've been missing cold weathers and snows much. Last evening just brough back some sweet memories with friends over there... and of course, my parents as well, who were there for my convocation--for without them I would not have the opportunity to experience and witness all that I've been through. Thanks Mom & Dad!

再加上 星期天晚上半夜12:30吵大架道4:00。 差一点分手。。。 这一次不过是我唯一最难忘的星期天。有下雪天 is like a necessary miracle 在我(和她)最需要中。

Pictures will be up soon to illustrate.

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