Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Lack of respect

I have never come across a creditor demanding money from his/her debtor the way bloody rude & selfish MT demanded from me. Take a look at what she wrote in demand in email:

You owe ME cause I paid for all your presents for LEL and IH...altogether C$15.55

SO here's my acct number. I really need the money coz i'm fuking broke.
Royal Bank of Canada
Transit no: 07xxx
acct no: 509xxxx

Gimme extra if you want!

That is it. Even friends as we are, still there should be some kind of formalities in all emails. The fact the she started off by generously reminding me that I owed her money is fine but capitalising "ME" (is equivalent to shouting or raising her voice at me) is outrightly uneducated, dumb, chaotic selfish, and shows how lack of respect she has for certain people.

And to substantiate her allegation for being such an uneducated lack of respect for others being such a dimwit and that I owed her an amount that won't make any major difference to whether or not she goes to Boston or New York this December, she had to tell me she's "fuking broke". So what, nothing to do with me.

How did I owed her $15.55? I asked her nicely if I can chip in for the gifts for LEL and IH for their birthdays and that I will pay her in May when I see her (them) then. She, naturally, agreed to my terms. So, in other words, she has to pay for me in anyway and expects to be paid off when I meet her in May. No problems here.

All of the sudden, she's like saying to me that she needs the $15.55 urgently or she'll die of hunger. It's not like 155$ or 2,000$ that I owed her.

I've always knew how and what she is [to me] but this time I can't put myself to be intimidated by her dumb demand and her going back on her words -- that she agreed to be paid back in May 2005.

Fuck that! She disgusts me in this email. I fucking hate the way she asked of me. She's not a big deal. Things would have been different IF she knew the meaning of respecting others reasonably and treating everyone equal in some ways or another.

I know what she's going to do next. If she knows social etiquettes , she would just keep this matter between herself and I, and none other.

In friendships, there is nothing wrong to disgree among friends some times.
I spent so much time and resources to get the video of our last trip to Banff and it's ready to be sent away to MT and friends. They have no fucking idea what I have to go through to make this happen for them. Yet, MT the dimwit can't even... sigh! enough said. I said I will pay her back, and I will in due time.

Disclaimer: Pseudonyms are used to reasonably protect the identities of the individuals mentioned herein. It may be a coincidence if the person mentioned within these paragraphs do resemble to a real person in reality who may still be alive or otherwise.

1 comment:

PeterS said...

You're right to be upset. Maybe we can start an UN-mission to save her from starvation?