Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Bomb scare at LMU

Hundreds of prep-ed students sat down in the examination hall and wrote their respective papers today. I sat for "Family Law & The law of Divorce" along with 149 classmates. Engineering students and commerce students were all facing their most dreaded day as well. Twenty minutes past and there were an announcement instructing us to put our pens down and stop writing, and so we did. Waited outside for 70 minutes. It was a bomb scare! Some students laughed out loudly about it. Other students were busy exchanging knowledge, basically, cheating! We were thinking it's not going to last more than 10 minutes standing outside and so took advantage of the situation. I am probably among the hundreds who felt relief from the situation as I have seen the examination questions and I was like "no way!!"
Since the examination process has been inevitably compromised, it was duly canceled and shall be rescheduled... which will screw up a lot of people's plans and schedules. But at least we all know what to expect when we sit for the paper again!

What a day! Dang! That means I gotta stay up whole night again!! :-(


Anonymous said...

I've always imagined and prayed for something like that to happen to me all the time, but it never did. So I say, you are one lucky lad to have that happened in exams!!! SO KEWLLLL!!!!

Good luck for the paper!!!! YOU CAN NAIL THIS!!! go danny! go danny!!!

Unknown said...

If your talking about lmu in harrogate tn. The bomb scare was Sept 27th and later in the day.......i called it in!