Wednesday, February 27, 2008

England's earthquake

A 5.2 on the Ritcher scale earthquake was felt throughout England just last night (around 12:56 AM). I thought I felt something but I was not conscious to verify anything. I was fast asleep.

I have not experienced what a tremor is like. All would describe it as "deep and rumbling sound" and no one will ever know when the time-ticking bomb will unleash its horrors upon the land. Maybe I don't ever want to know what it is or feels like.

Yesterday, it was extremely windy. There was so much wind that even a mother pushing her child on the stroller was almost blown away. They were walking on the sidewalks when a sudden strong gush of wind displaced the straight path of both the mother and the stroller. It almost went off the side curb and into the road where vehicles were passing by.

Please be pray for peace for all England.
Comments on your experiences (if you're in the UK) welcomed.

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