Sunday, January 01, 2006

Spectacular pyrotechnics show

The fireworks show did not start until the leap second completed. I was at the Millenium Square right in the city centre when they pulled the fireworks trigger and staged an extraordinary show. Fireworks came from 4 corners and the thundering booms in the sky were like never ending. The trails of light with colourful pattern, shapes and sizes were the only source of light and indeed, lighted up the night skies brightly.

There were many revellers already out there, some couples already planting kisses to their partners (including gays), some popped a champagne bottle and shared it among friends... I was there looking out for my girlfriend, who ran away after argument. I was at the Millenium Square looking out for her because this time last year that's the place where we had our first kiss and watched the fireworks show together. I waited for her to show up... hoping she'd put the past behind her, but no one was with me. I thought it was very rash of her...

I headed back home after 30 minutes of waiting. It was a 30 minutes of watching smiles, happiness, cheerfullness and what not in other people but myself. It was all my fault. We ate out that yesterday evening at a Japanese restaurant called Little Tokyo and I bought her a little stalk of rose. After dinner, she wanted to get some cash from a cash machine when a passerby man asked, "Excuse me, where did you get that flower?"
Without much thought, I responded, "Oh, you can have it" with my arms already extending out to him.
Vivian interrupted before he could say anything, "But that's my flower."
I looked at both of them and told the stranger, "Oh, she's just kidding. You can have it seriously"
"For how much?"
"Two pounds"
"Okay", then he digged his pockets for some coins and handed me two pounds.
Then Vivian said, "Yeah, you will probably need it more than I do."

Indeed, he will probably need it more than she needs it but that's not the point. To her, she really minds the fact that I sold the sentimental value that was already associated with the rose. I thought every girls would have got mad for my unreasonable conduct and figured it to be true. I mean, what was I thinking?!

I apologized. But she's going to take a while to get past it even though she's allergic to plants that have pollens.

Happy New Year to myself. No, that's not right. Happy New Year to us!

End of soliloque.

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