Hello friends,
I have made Puerco Pibil (a.k.a. chonchinita pibil) for the second time and could be the last time because the coffee grinder in which I used to grind the ground spices is broken in the hands of Eelynn. But that doesn't mean she broke it. It could have been a defective grinder and I wasn't aware of the low quality item.
This time I had the Mexican girls come over my place to have the slow-cooked pork marinaded in tequila and other spices. All of them were excited and saw their native cuisine in disbelief in Canada... not to mention Saskatoon, the place where no one really knows a lot of. My brother was invited too and he just loved it. Their compliments to my fine art cooking (hehehe... just kidding, but seriously....) were never ending. I guess I am as elated as them because I have made a whole lot of people happy.
After that, I did shoot some portraitures of them individually. Will post them here once I get them developed. It was all good today, this evening. I'm good too. They snooped through my entire photo album and just love the pictures of China. I was there with my mom and brother in 1999.
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Chonchinita Pibil
Braindumped by shutterblogs at 4/27/2004 05:05:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 25, 2004
An interesting day 01
While taking some time off the project, I finally got to play "Max Payne 2: The fall of Max Payne". It wasn't too impressive although i still find the first episode best.
It's Tim's birthday today and he got a wonderful gift from us all -- love doll. As soon as the gift was revealed while we were all waiting for our cab ride at upper Place Riel, we can all sense he was too embarrassed to accept the unexpected. I have no idea whose idea was it to get him a love doll but it was definitely a kick-ass idea simply because the joy of watching him gradually (took about 3 hours) accepting the gift was just hilarious beyond descriptions. The doll was not inflated until we went out to Denny's Restaurant (right after a stripshow, in which I got a poster autographed by the showgirl simply because I caught her attention by pointing the red laser I had onto her pu**y and her fake but voluptuous t-t's). Avoiding embarrassment was inevitable when waitresses and customers were watching us laughing our lungs out teasing each other especially on Tim. Well, hehe... I did some silly's too. All these will be illustrated in a few days when I received pictures from Vincent.
It took 3 persons to inflate the Britney Spear-look-alike doll and doing that was ridiculously funny as the teases and silly words exchange were never ending. When all the girls refuse to inflate the doll, it came to me and my friends made it as though it was my duty. Well, already feeling shy, I tried not to look around when I'm inflating it. When done, 2 cute caucasian young ladies walked over my back and pat on my right shoulders and made a comment "You've got a lovely friend there!" and continued their way to the exit. Of course, anybody would surely have thought that it is my doll I'm inflating. And I was like, "w-t-f! but it is not mine". Friends at my table went crazy lauging at me and Tim, BECAUSE it is his doll. I was framed. I was accused of possessing another man's object of desire. It was unfair. lol. It is totally funny!
That's about all I can describe. Take care, my readers! Sincerely.
Braindumped by shutterblogs at 4/25/2004 10:18:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 19, 2004
Went for a swim at the PAC. Did a few jumps from spring board but that's one a meter high. I did a 5 meters platform some 3-4 years ago so I thought I could do it for show on their highest 3 meter springboard. Went up there I boy I was freaking out didn't have the guts to go down even though I was just going to do a straight dive. Climbed back down. what a chicken I am! Now that the university has spent so much building and extending the previous Physical Edu. gym, I should be making full use of it and it's only the right thing to do and not be a potato couch... or even a book couch for goodness' sake.
I managed to put together a few pictures I shot. Below are a few nice ones.
This panoramic scene of University of Saskatchewan is shot from the Graduate Computer Lab of the Department of Economics on 8th Floor Arts and Science building/tower.
After watching Once Upon a Time in Mexico, I'm inspired to make a dish featured in the movie called "Puerco Pibil" and is translated into "Slow-cooked Pork". You can get drunk with this fine cuisine because of of its ingredient is premium tequila!
Braindumped by shutterblogs at 4/19/2004 11:05:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 17, 2004
A new revelation
I was awaken by Kendra's call at 09:30 who was just returning a call for her on Monday night at 22:30, which was me right after exam. Then I thought about my plan for today and for the rest of summer as I shower. Gone downtown with Eelynn and I had 2 rolls of films for developing prints. Cost me 29$ by Black's Photography and that is !@#%ing expensive for 2x24exposures! Initially I thought that's stupid as I could have had the same quality prints from Photolab for under 5$ (plus tax) per roll. There's something good about it though. The person printing pictures actually "criticize" your photos and if s/he likes it will adhere a little sticky that reads "Great Shot!! We'll take 2$ off when you re-print a 8"x10" I had like 3 of these. The revelation is not that I realized how good a photographer I am, but... how ambitious I can be.
So, I was suppose to be working on a website for ESS (Economics Student's Society) and is scheduled to be done by May. But I think my department's website deserves a much better revamp than creating a new website for the society I was involved in for over 2 years now. The department's website will be my biggest project and I intend to make it more presentable, if not already as presentable as, the other colleges in the University. If you'd take a look at Agriculture's website, Drama department, etc. you'll be astonished at how each vary from one to another. Then take a look again at our department's website. If shame is a forbidden feeling, then I am totally disappointed at the web-developer who made that website for us when he has made much more good-looking website for others. I took a peek in his portfolio. His work really made our department "bad" at least limited to my opinion.
I'm going to put my best and all I know in it. I'm going to teach myself XML, XHTML, and Javascript to accomplish the project too. Although I dislike Economics as much as I have studied it for at least 3 years, I think this will be some generous offering I can give to my department. Hm, maybe I should impose a fee on them and it will be called as an "incentive contributions" to working on the project. *winks*
Will begin looking for a job too. No revelation on this one yet.
I got my new Canon EF 75-300mm IS USM lens today. It's totally a cool lens!!
Braindumped by shutterblogs at 4/17/2004 06:52:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 15, 2004
Advance Statistical Methods for Business Economics (a.k.a Econometrics)
Oh shit!!
I have no idea what is going on in this class!
How can I write exam for tomorrow??
Already I wrote 3 in 3 days.
i'm screwed!
Braindumped by shutterblogs at 4/15/2004 05:58:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 11, 2004
Too soon to think about convocating this May.
Too soon I have told people that May is the month.
Too hard is 2 of my courses namely Portfolio Analysis and Econometrics (316, 404 respectively)
Two days more I'm screwed and convocating this May, may still be a distant.
Applying equations are easy when you know what's going on
having to know at least more than > 100 unique equations per course is just insanity even if you know what's going on.
but more likely, the truth is you don't!
Do I really want this Business Economics degree?
Right now, I think I am doing a degree I didn't want
Not because formulas from lagged variables t-1 to infinity the summation of difference squared divided by some arbitrary number multiplied by ONE minus the summation of sigma square from t=1 to n is tearing my very soul apart... i'm parting away for an imaginary mental assylum; there will I be safe from the bombardments of "academically sound equations" so-called! Gawdd!! Am I in the wrong class or am I doing the wrong degree??? Either way, I am at close proximity to megalunaticism!
Time I do not now have
There's too much to know and too much of have-to-know
Phuck! Life were better those days in the caves
Hunt during the day and return home for good time with wife and kids, you know?
I wish life were that simple!
Ai-ching, not love, but Ai Yoshida.
Bugged her today for tea-break.
Dyed her hair to a disastrous color--dirty blonde
but politely I comment it's the best color and she looks awesome!
So, that is Pareto Improvement strategy-- set(s) of strategies that does not make any party worse off as a result of your action(s).
Economics is just so theoretical and I really wonder how I am to apply what I learned. Whenever I look at economics, all I see are just equations after equations & I'm flabergastered without fail every single time. Do I understand them? Heck no!! Why am I doing in the Department of Economics then?! Besides the department is dominated mostly by males, heck, I have NO IDEA!!
I should get off and get some sleep so when I wake up, I can continue to amaze myself of how dumb I can be for every equations I have-to-know when I don't understand them and most of all, I don't need them in real life.
Braindumped by shutterblogs at 4/11/2004 06:40:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 08, 2004
Dined out with Kendra in Alexandre's Restaurant/Bar after studying at 22:09.
Received an email from David, the person who interviewed me, and it looks like I will not be going to Japan to work. For that kind of job, I would probably have guessed that my behavior during interview was not approriate for a teaching position especially when my audiences are kids below the age of 8.
Disappointment creeps up to me in a way but it didn't last long.
I guess the rest of my days will be extremely mundane as I prepare for final exams.
Braindumped by shutterblogs at 4/08/2004 07:13:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
...and Eelynn spake unto I;
When fullmoon begins to subside
My awaited apology offered when the moon was bewitchingly bright and round
and I'm her "bestest sucker friend".
Rained today it was cloudy and;
winds up to 56km/h but I was in the library from 9:30am
so, didnt feel a as though I would be blown away.
Somebody approached me earlier and asked enthusiastically, "You know that girl you were speaking to? Your model friend? What's her name? She's soo... super b-e-a-utiful!! Do you know her well?"
Um, this person whom I hardly know is asking me about Kendra. I don't know how I should feel about that. I just noded my head affirming to his latter querry.
"Oh... man, she's hot stuff!"
I think it's more appropriate if he tells her that rather than reaffirming the facts (which I already know!) with me. I should understand why he's saying these to me... thinking back, I have actually done something similar too. Too heavy to carry my swelling balls to where that good looking lass is and pour our all my praises and admirations and adorations to her.
Here's Kendra. An extremely gentle lady! Unfortunately, she's seeing someone who has much more calibre than any of you undergraduates/graduates!
Please ask me for permission if you wish to have this picture. It would be more polite and not take advantage of what you have here, a privillaged information/media
Back to study.
Braindumped by shutterblogs at 4/07/2004 06:27:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
How to make snowball - snowman... an illustrative guide without captioning. See for yourself.
Throw it!
Bang on!!
Pictures were shot on March 24, 2004.
Braindumped by shutterblogs at 4/06/2004 12:47:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 05, 2004
"It is so basic. A human being is an innocent part of nature.
Our civilization has distorted this universal quality that allows us to feel at home in our skin.
Other animals have coats that they accept, but the human race has yet to come to terms with being nude"
For as long as our society has not reached an eligible level to be called 'An educated society' we have NOT come to terms with nudity and/or sexuality. Immoralities and sexual plots/vices will definitely be manifested through small empty minds, like those of animals, but only worst. Therefore, censorships should and ought to preside at our assemblies.
I wish I could do something to curtail sex crimes in Malaysia. Law enforcers should consider my castration proposal to condemn filthy infidels sex offenders!! I hate them (potential/actual offenders)!! Gorge all their eyes out so they can't see sexual desires. They can't surf porn, therefore, they can't victimize an innocent woman. The internet is a good place for information but because small empty minds can't think the benefits to education, they rather fill it up with filthy information. There is nothing wrong to surf for pornographies but do it with the right mind and the right attitude. However, too much of porn is extremely unhealthy and this has been proven in a psychological study.
Braindumped by shutterblogs at 4/05/2004 06:31:00 AM 0 comments
Sakura has just passed me her picture and I was just speechless!!
Nothing much to say. Spent all day in the library today. Got intoxicated by coffee. felt a little weird in my body and couldn't concentrate from a while. then decided to grab marquis hall food... from my nice brother!! but it's just this once; and a few other times. hehe!
Exams are just 7 days away. getting pretty cornered and I have no where to run! if i had more time i'd slack off... so, maybe this is good!
Braindumped by shutterblogs at 4/05/2004 05:48:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 04, 2004
The weather these past few days have been awesome! Believe me, it's not cold at 6 celsius. Soooo comfortable! well, we've gone through the worst winter ever ... minus 57 celsius! that's why it's not cold for us.
the visa is still useable though, I THINK!!?. lol! shitty! cleaned it up! yuck! hope i doesn't give me shit when its magnetic tape is being read. e.g. Transaction Aborted! Full of shit!"
Ran into Ai Yoshida in tunnels. can't feel my legs. damm! i don't even know why i began bowing... whenever I see Japanese. I must stop this behavior! they're not in Japan and I'm not even Japanese...
I learned from them: when somebody offers you a piece of food with their chopstick ("Do you want this meat? It's cooked"), you can't pick up it up with your chopstick from him/her. A Japanese taboo. The act of passing an item from person to person using chopstick is practiced in Japanese funerals. Don't do this when you're dining with Japanese. It's easy to forget because there is no such taboo in the Chinese culture; Chinese people just take it.
Spoke to Samantha Leong (*Sam) in Commerce Reading Room. her exam schedules aren't as bad as mine. i have a confession to make. i really admire her. l liked her. but not my type... i don't know. maybe? however, I am not going to make any moves to her or whatever. I'm not desperate for a young well-endowed lass like her. pretty face, her eyes (the way she looks at people/me??) and her voice just sweeps my feet off the floor . ooh! haha! i'm in love! nah! this is what everybody else feels too. i'm pretty sure! I think I should consider going after who I think is my compatible as oppose to potential partner. A pretty face can fail in compatibility & potentially end very messy. Maybe not. It's hard to tell. But as observed and I believe, men have levels of ego so high they lose track of who they are... whatever. I hate generalizations.
But anyway, who wouldn't want to go for such sizzling hot 18/19yr old girl?
19 eh? sigh! Eelynn asked me about my new 19-28mm Tokina lens. As I explain to her, maybe half of her mind was thinking about Kuni (Kuni Niina) whom she was once 'in love' with. She's 19, he's 28 yrs old. It was an impossible relationship. He's not into her in "that" way. She interrupted me, "I was thinking about Kuni when I saw you turned it from 19 to 28." We were on the railway bridge. Adam (met frm AIESEC) was taking a walk.
Returned Jessie's digital camera (Casio make). Probably from here there won't be as many pictures as before. :(
Braindumped by shutterblogs at 4/04/2004 05:59:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 03, 2004
I dropped my Visa credit card into the potty! yuk!!
Braindumped by shutterblogs at 4/03/2004 08:48:00 PM 0 comments
Ha! I'm so drained out! I have been in school from 9am till 10:30pm. We have been working on our project since morning. I needed a break and a new scenery, so I headed on to main library at 5pm to tutor Trent in Econ277 for an hour. After that, Sakura invited me to for a hotpot dinner (a.k.a steam boat) where I also met a very cute Japanese girl, Ai Yoshida. ;)
Benson Or, man.. I haven't seen this guy for so long and we sat down and chatted a little in artsbuff right after econometrics! I remember he said he will go skin-head with me. not sure if it was a dare-you kind of thing, you know what I'm saying? Looks like he doesnt have as much guts as me. Very nice person! always wanting to play chess although he doesn't mind losing most of the time, if not already always. i recalled a [normal] game of chess with him that lasted 2 hours! I dont think when playing chess... lol!
13 days to freedom! feels like i'm maximizing my utilities by consuming the feelings of freedom and/or vacation moods right now. I'm just so rational! This might most probably just lead to my failure to graduate! Rational?? guess not!
Braindumped by shutterblogs at 4/03/2004 05:49:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 02, 2004
Managerial Accounting project deadline: Monday April 5.
Stressed out. Driving me up the walls.
Exams schedules are horrible!!
Monday Apr 12, 7pm
Tuesday Apr 13, 9am
Wednesday, Apr 14, 2pm
Thursday, Apr 15, 2pm.
Friday, Apr 19, 2pm.
This is what I deserve to graduate? damm! That's horrible! There will be sleepless nights!
Braindumped by shutterblogs at 4/02/2004 05:03:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 01, 2004
Tutored a student from Econ277 (Economics of Natural Resources) for an hour this evening. Felt a little nervous when I stumbled upon the things I'd go "huh? what's that!?! waaait a minute! let me figure that out first". ;-) Having said that and I thought it was not a good session, I declined her offer to pay me because I think it's a fair game. The only time I will accept payment is from second sessions forward because then s/he thinks that I'm good enough to be his/her tutor. ;)
I got a message from Eelynn through Michelle Tan who rang me up. How nice of her to think about me as she didn't want to go for her dinner in Marquis Hall. Well, she still refuses to talk to me for some unknown reasons. Probably by now everybody would have knew that I was rude to her. I dont know what she said but I don't think it's appropriate. Her habitual sarcasms were well recieved when we chatted before she swore that she would not talk to me for the next 24 hour. Quite simply I put forward my sarcasms but didn't think it was stinging or sharp enough or let alone offensive or even rude to her in our conversation (over MSN Messenger!!! how silly can this get?). We have tolerated one another's remarks in the past and it was just one of our usual chat-away time then but somehow things just went wrong. with me? or with her?!
Received a call from Hertz! Good thing it's good news! I was thinking I am going to pay up to over a thousand dollars! Not even close. $414 including the 2 day rental, a difference of 299$ if nothing had happened to that car!
Scouting for tree-planting jobs across Canada with silviculture co.'s right after convocation. Seiferling (Mike) is going to help me out. hopefully things will go as I wish.
Daniel Cheung, my coke/drinks supplier! and stalker! wtf! he so quasi-gay when comes to political matters! lol! Since he's the only person consuming his over supplied drinks, it would be rational (people are assumed to be generous) to share it all out. meeh! at the end of exams, we'll bug him!
Braindumped by shutterblogs at 4/01/2004 05:20:00 AM 0 comments