Thursday, April 01, 2004

Tutored a student from Econ277 (Economics of Natural Resources) for an hour this evening. Felt a little nervous when I stumbled upon the things I'd go "huh? what's that!?! waaait a minute! let me figure that out first". ;-) Having said that and I thought it was not a good session, I declined her offer to pay me because I think it's a fair game. The only time I will accept payment is from second sessions forward because then s/he thinks that I'm good enough to be his/her tutor. ;)

I got a message from Eelynn through Michelle Tan who rang me up. How nice of her to think about me as she didn't want to go for her dinner in Marquis Hall. Well, she still refuses to talk to me for some unknown reasons. Probably by now everybody would have knew that I was rude to her. I dont know what she said but I don't think it's appropriate. Her habitual sarcasms were well recieved when we chatted before she swore that she would not talk to me for the next 24 hour. Quite simply I put forward my sarcasms but didn't think it was stinging or sharp enough or let alone offensive or even rude to her in our conversation (over MSN Messenger!!! how silly can this get?). We have tolerated one another's remarks in the past and it was just one of our usual chat-away time then but somehow things just went wrong. with me? or with her?!

Received a call from Hertz! Good thing it's good news! I was thinking I am going to pay up to over a thousand dollars! Not even close. $414 including the 2 day rental, a difference of 299$ if nothing had happened to that car!

Scouting for tree-planting jobs across Canada with silviculture co.'s right after convocation. Seiferling (Mike) is going to help me out. hopefully things will go as I wish.

Daniel Cheung, my coke/drinks supplier! and stalker! wtf! he so quasi-gay when comes to political matters! lol! Since he's the only person consuming his over supplied drinks, it would be rational (people are assumed to be generous) to share it all out. meeh! at the end of exams, we'll bug him!

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