Sunday, April 11, 2004


Too soon to think about convocating this May.
Too soon I have told people that May is the month.
Too hard is 2 of my courses namely Portfolio Analysis and Econometrics (316, 404 respectively)
Two days more I'm screwed and convocating this May, may still be a distant.

Applying equations are easy when you know what's going on
having to know at least more than > 100 unique equations per course is just insanity even if you know what's going on.
but more likely, the truth is you don't!

Do I really want this Business Economics degree?
Right now, I think I am doing a degree I didn't want
Not because formulas from lagged variables t-1 to infinity the summation of difference squared divided by some arbitrary number multiplied by ONE minus the summation of sigma square from t=1 to n is tearing my very soul apart... i'm parting away for an imaginary mental assylum; there will I be safe from the bombardments of "academically sound equations" so-called! Gawdd!! Am I in the wrong class or am I doing the wrong degree??? Either way, I am at close proximity to megalunaticism!

Time I do not now have
There's too much to know and too much of have-to-know
Phuck! Life were better those days in the caves
Hunt during the day and return home for good time with wife and kids, you know?
I wish life were that simple!

Ai-ching, not love, but Ai Yoshida.
Bugged her today for tea-break.
Dyed her hair to a disastrous color--dirty blonde
but politely I comment it's the best color and she looks awesome!
So, that is Pareto Improvement strategy-- set(s) of strategies that does not make any party worse off as a result of your action(s).

Economics is just so theoretical and I really wonder how I am to apply what I learned. Whenever I look at economics, all I see are just equations after equations & I'm flabergastered without fail every single time. Do I understand them? Heck no!! Why am I doing in the Department of Economics then?! Besides the department is dominated mostly by males, heck, I have NO IDEA!!

I should get off and get some sleep so when I wake up, I can continue to amaze myself of how dumb I can be for every equations I have-to-know when I don't understand them and most of all, I don't need them in real life.

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