Sunday, April 04, 2004

The weather these past few days have been awesome! Believe me, it's not cold at 6 celsius. Soooo comfortable! well, we've gone through the worst winter ever ... minus 57 celsius! that's why it's not cold for us.

the visa is still useable though, I THINK!!?. lol! shitty! cleaned it up! yuck! hope i doesn't give me shit when its magnetic tape is being read. e.g. Transaction Aborted! Full of shit!"

Ran into Ai Yoshida in tunnels. can't feel my legs. damm! i don't even know why i began bowing... whenever I see Japanese. I must stop this behavior! they're not in Japan and I'm not even Japanese...
I learned from them: when somebody offers you a piece of food with their chopstick ("Do you want this meat? It's cooked"), you can't pick up it up with your chopstick from him/her. A Japanese taboo. The act of passing an item from person to person using chopstick is practiced in Japanese funerals. Don't do this when you're dining with Japanese. It's easy to forget because there is no such taboo in the Chinese culture; Chinese people just take it.

Spoke to Samantha Leong (*Sam) in Commerce Reading Room. her exam schedules aren't as bad as mine. i have a confession to make. i really admire her. l liked her. but not my type... i don't know. maybe? however, I am not going to make any moves to her or whatever. I'm not desperate for a young well-endowed lass like her. pretty face, her eyes (the way she looks at people/me??) and her voice just sweeps my feet off the floor . ooh! haha! i'm in love! nah! this is what everybody else feels too. i'm pretty sure! I think I should consider going after who I think is my compatible as oppose to potential partner. A pretty face can fail in compatibility & potentially end very messy. Maybe not. It's hard to tell. But as observed and I believe, men have levels of ego so high they lose track of who they are... whatever. I hate generalizations.
But anyway, who wouldn't want to go for such sizzling hot 18/19yr old girl?

19 eh? sigh! Eelynn asked me about my new 19-28mm Tokina lens. As I explain to her, maybe half of her mind was thinking about Kuni (Kuni Niina) whom she was once 'in love' with. She's 19, he's 28 yrs old. It was an impossible relationship. He's not into her in "that" way. She interrupted me, "I was thinking about Kuni when I saw you turned it from 19 to 28." We were on the railway bridge. Adam (met frm AIESEC) was taking a walk.

Returned Jessie's digital camera (Casio make). Probably from here there won't be as many pictures as before. :(

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