Monday, November 22, 2004

The Fengshui master

Almost two months ago, Dorothy (君平) and friends have heard of the success of my little furniture arranging know-how that is no uncommon in Chinese culture especially in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Malaysia... China also-- the art of Fengshui (风水).

It has really worked for me during my stay in Canada. I did not suppose my little success story would turn into something that others would rely on.

Recently, things didn't go too well for her. I have another friend, Cherie, from Hong Kong, who suffers the same fate. Within short period of time, there were many unfortunate events took place in their lives and I turned out to be their blessing in disguise. Indirectly, I hinted them to try Fengshui and claimed that I have a fair knowledge of it, somewhat like that of Lilian Too.

Last night, I was invited by Dorothy especially to think out of the 'master plan'. Rearranging her room to look like mine (I did my Fengshui in my own room already, by the way).

Asked her how she felt this morning... if there was any difference in her sleep, feelings, physique, mental, and soul. She thanked me with a grin...

I thought I must have done a great job! Cheers to the Fengshui master!

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