Saturday, November 27, 2004

A red thread of luck

Today, Cherie (郑欣), her classmate Samson (HKG>Manchester), and went downtown to settle a problem regarding Cherie's phone bills. It was merely a misunderstanding caused by the sales person (from Malaysia) to her. He failed to mention specifically which numbers are UK Landlines and UK numbers as he generalized both of them as "...that 'all numbers' may be called and are free on weekends and evenings". This has led Cherie to rely on his statement and therefore 'took as' a good plan and duly made the purchase of the phone and the plan the sales person was selling. Six weeks later, she discovered that the numbers she has been calling (a calling card number) does not fall under the "free weekends and evening calls" and was expected to pay up to £250 for all the calls. In her reliance to his "selling statement" that "all numbers...are free", she felt she has been cheated.

Finally, we argued through the manager and the manager has agreed to pay half of her bill, about 35 quids. It turned out that her bill did not amount up to the initial figure. That's fortunate! I had to convince her to be contend with this outcome or she'll have nothing.

At the market later, I bought a red thread of luck. In the past weeks, as I have mentioned before, things were not going as planned as they were suppose to be. Many unfortunate events befell her and if something was not done, she might not be contend and happy with her new life here. This red thread is suppose to comfort and probably console herself that she has been very lucky, in fact, more fortunate that others who have to live through miseries being homeless every day of their lives. I said that to her in her kitchen of her flat while gently tying up the red thread of luck around her left wrist. Then I was speechless because I was already nervous thinking the words I spoke may be too sentimental or may cause her to misunderstand my intentions.

She's really sweet!

I abruptly said I had to leave and clumsily I stood up and walked away from the kitchen. She obligingly followed to send me off to the door of her flat. When the door closes behind me, I felt really stupid and shitty for doing and feeling such unreasonable thing. I could have spent a bit more time with her... but, sigh!

*sniggers!* That was fun!

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