Saturday, December 25, 2004

Holy Communion Christmas

On Christmas Eve there wasn't much to do. I was researching and writing my papers on the most part. Watch a little TV (in my room) mostly "The Weakest Link" gameshow but was tempted to watch The Simpsons as Homer was/still is my hero.

Was text-messaging Vivian (黄斐) back and forth and she came to my flat at 6-ish pm. She just got off work and was about to head home to Beckett's Park, where she lives. So, I had convinced her to go to church with me this evening for a late night service at the South Parade Church.

今晚上她穿的粉红色衣服完美的而又提了Prada的手提包。真的好漂亮我看了脸都红起来了。也许我没有那么多的信心尤其和美女一块儿。有一段时间我连话都说不出来和她在一起的时候。这可不是丢脸啦。。。 丢什么脸啦?害怕而已。嘻嘻!
一边走一边不停的开玩笑儿。 另外俩就走得那么快。我就算了吧不里他们。

It was a Holy Communion service. I prayed hard. It's been a long time since I partook in a communion and somehow I know I had to do this this time, and so I did.
我拔了一小块的面包在我手指上。她就从我手抢了一小块想吃。。。贪玩儿。 哎呀~这个时间 (Holy Communion)费要认真补课呀!我就好好地告诉她 "wait for your turn".

送她回家然后作了一会儿。 要走了就给他抱一下。差一点吻到她。

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