Thursday, June 24, 2004

A floss a day keeps decay away

My dental appointment was tentatively scheduled for July 13 but I received a call yesterday and Michelle, the nurse (why are there so many Michelle species around?! One big one who teases me as though Arnold Schwarzennegar has a little dong is already enough to handle), informed me there is one today -- in the morning. I promptly agreed without much thought that these days I not really the morning type of person

I got up at 08:45 to make a phone call to the clinic explaining to the nurse, I suppose it's Michelle's sweet voice, why I couldn't go. I don't have any other excuses except lame ones. Felt too lazy to get up anyway. Still in bed and felt like I could get drowsy and hit back to dreamland again, 2 things woke me up. Mom was already up earlier and was working in the kitchen making some goodies for dinner later. It was the smell of chinese mushroom that ponged my senses up--too strong a smell. The other, Michelle said: "Oh? Did you know that there's a 50$ charge for last minute change or 'no show'?"

I'm like, "50 fucking dollars just for no show?!! That's ridiculous!"
Then after much hessitations I felt like I was cornered and there was no other way out unless I am willing to fork out 50 bucks for nothing.

Whew! Fresh air finally! I'm out of the house and the smell of mushroom no longer cause uncomfortness to my nose. It's not stinky or the like but they were just too strong too aromatic that I couldn't take it anymore.

Dr Simon Wong is his name. He is the dentist. I didn't wait long outside and when I got in, I gagged and went like gagaga!! Woah!! 6 TV's, 6 inclining chairs, 2 beautiful nurses (pls ignore this), clean as white and bright. I was invited to lie down and the other nurse slided down something on my head in which I learned that it's a headphone so I don't watch mute TV! Totally cool! Then she pulled out something from the cabinet on my left side and inform me that she was going to take some x-rays. Later, I saw my 10 x-ray pictures and Dr Wong explained everything, including the most terrifying thing I've ever heard: I've got 9 cavities; 10 including my dysfunctional wisdom tooth.

Dr. Wong took some colored digital images of my teeth with a tiny little steel rod. I was watching TV and he grabbed the RC from me (*sobs!*) and switched to "Video 1" mode and Viola! all my decayed teeth in color media! *embarrassed!*

But above all that, that dental clinic is one that has impressed me so far.

Quote from Dr. Wong:
...brushing your teeth is only 60% complete. Flossing give you the other 40%

But, on the contrary, even if you floss your teeth daily, you will still get decays. What happens is that flossings only reduces the chances of tartar build ups (which I had, omg! but they're history now) thus minimizes cavities and decays. They're still going to be there. But you're helping your dentist a lot such that s/he doesn't have to spend too much time cleaning.

Met Leah Knox.

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