Tuesday, June 15, 2004

What is dry humor?

After I wrote my previous posting, I didn't think anybody would find "Boozed weekend in Scott" funny. Perhaps I have found my true talent, and that would be a talent of not knowing how to describe something funny when they're suppose to be funny. So, do you say to me I have dry humor? So, What is dry humor (or humour as the British's would spell it)? Do I have it?! "Is it humor minus the saliva?"

I have always thought that Eelynn has dry humor either in some ways or in all ways. If that is true, because I do see a little of myself in her, perhaps it is true for me too. Michelle used to say to us to give Lynn charity laughters whenever she tries to tell a joke or two because we know Lynn (and perhaps myself) can't really make a joke a joke! A joke that make us laugh crazy & and wild & perhaps remembered and worth to tell to another.

Hmm, there are people whom I know who are really, really funny. They tickle your funny bones with their stories about their life. How do they do that?! Are funny people borned to be humorous? If they are, then I can accept the fact that my humors are a little dry. Just like drinking dry wine, there's this tangy taste in your throat when you gulp in as oppose to smooth wines.

What do you think?

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