Thursday, July 01, 2004

Mildly weird night & Canada Day!

This afternoon, about 13 hours ago, I've got my arm treated at Daniels Kimberley Physiotherapy and this time the therapist (not the rapist!) is a guy! Ookay, although out of my expectation, I walked in to his treatment room with him anyway. Had my t-shirt off and laid down and he started pressing on my shoulder where the pain is massaging there. Soothing! I saw his 2 degrees that were hanging on the walls to my right and noticed his name. I asked if he was a "Hokkien" or equivalently a 福建人 to which he was surprised and said yes. His last name is "Ong", which is to mean A king (王). Session lasted only 30minutes... my last session was an hour long. Probably I don't need further diagnostics on my arm.

Waited for 3 hours to catch "Spiderman 2" at 15:50 with my brother. Never would I have thought this movie is also a sequel like that of "The Lord of the Rings" that comes in Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Unlike the ubiquitous advertisments for LOTR sequels annually (or more like monthly), Spiderman sequels were never advertised and for the most part of it, we will always be guessing if Part 2 is the end of the sequel. I guess with 99% confidence there will be a Part 3 next year. At least now I know after the end of the LOTR's sequel, it's not the end of my cinema-going habits. There's another exciting movie to be anticipated next year, much like we have for all the LoTR's. Perhaps the producers were not heavily funded in adverts as its counterpart did. It's worth a watch; be sure to know where the story left off in Part 1 before you watch this next sequel.

I have been watching too many movies in these 2 days. Tomorrow I might be catching "White Chicks". Why so many so soon? It's boring to be sitting at home building cities.

Received a call from Marzi and she insisted to pick me up at 21:00, so I waited but she did not show up until 22:00. Changed venue from Winstons (between Bessborough Hotel and Midtown Plaza) to McGuire's on 8th. On the way back in Heba's car, we saw a white couple making out in their living room of their apartment on the 2nd floor, along Cumberland Ave and Main Street (just before the Stop sign at the 4 way junction OR click on the link and look out for the red star). No curtains whatsoever on the wide window and it was brightly lited by the ambient floor lamp. From where we were, Frank noticed them first and he exclaimed "stop stop stop! they are people making out up there. back up! back up!" Heba was surprised and I supposed curious too. haha! she backed up the car in the middle of the road just weeeeeee before the Stop Line and turned right into the front door of the apartment where we watched the entire show. Like in one of Craig David's song, "... Why do I see two shadows moving [back and forth] in your bedroom... can you fill me in?" We actually saw 2 person, guy behind (looking down; at his dong, i suppose) and the head of a blonde girl looking at him (his dong, perhaps). The guy was only visible up to his middle torso from where we were looking. We honked twice and drove away. Back up the car and passed by their window again, lights were off and they were not doing what we saw seconds ago... guessed they knew they were being watched. hahaha! A great way to celebrate Canada Day... for them!

Other news
Waskasiu pictures from Hindra's digital camera available here.

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