Thursday, October 07, 2004


After visiting a doctor I was prescribed a drug in which I had take two pills and couldn't keep my head up after. I was feeling drowsy and just felt like going to bed. It was still early in the morning and I had to go downtown to get additional information regarding my bank account. Well, I had to go there to collect my bank card as well.

Speaking of which, I think it is ridiculous for banks over here to take an awful lot of time to open an account. They said it was for security reasons and as well as to prevent international students from starting up an overseas banking account that was believed to have potential terrorist banking activities?? I'm not too sure but it all sound too crappy for me. It only took a couple of days in Canada to have an account open and there wasn't much red tapes to it. It's hell over here.

After that, I went to the market to get some fruits. Damm! I'm down to my last £15 for the next week until my parents would wire some money over. I couldn't keep my head up any longer and I have class at 3pm, that's 4 hours ahead. Went back home just to catch a few winks and I slept through till 7pm.

Woah!! Am I in big trouble? No, I don't think so. Should I stop the medication? No, I don't think so. I need to be well so I can do my classes/courses well. I guess i'll have to go through this tough time of being ill for a short period before I am well again.

Reflecting my life in the halls where I live, most of the things here are not up to my expectations and looks like I have to put up with its under average standards (the UK standards). If I have the chance, I would rather go back and live in Canada.

So far, my life here suxx up to today. I can't believe that I've been sick since the day I arrived. The doctors and nurses already know me and they're like "Oh, you were here last week. You're the one with Paracetemol allergy, is that right?", to sound familiar with me. The rest of people here have problems here with the weather and thank God I'm not the only one. But it does look like I am the one who is victimized by the weather the most compared to the rest. It's not fair, I know, but again, there's nothing much I can do now, is there?

The people I get to meet up here is far more diversed than I would meet if I was in Canada (and Malaysia). That was just a thought. I gotta go. laterr...!

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