Sunday, October 31, 2004

Halloween Time

It's Halloween and you can be anything weird you want and won't be labelled a freak. Anything you want and you can, sure... EXCEPT yourself.

Today, we turned back our clock 1 hour.
That is a very good thing for ravers and drinkers -- 1 more hour to get more drinks and more drunk as bars are open for another hour longer. Once you get hammered, you have one more hour to sleep in.

It's weird that they have day light savings here. Why can't it be like Saskatchewan? No such hassle. I wonder if the rest of the world knows about this. Now it gets dark at about 5pm, rather than almost 6pm. nonsense.

I'm learning Latin from my law books. gee. how very daunting already just by the number of have-to-read-cases.

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