Monday, October 25, 2004

An email to myself

You're not going to believe what i just thought up for my Christmas gift. I wish I can spend 2 weeks in the Rocky mountains soaking half my body in the hot springs of +33 centigrade, and the other half minus 22 centigrade. Then head off to see mah'aunty liz... with brother, heard he's going to spend time with you too. I could then bagged some finest Montreal's bagel I dearly miss, and store them in my freezer for 1 year like what I did to the last bag in 2002. We can piggy back our hope-still-small-in-size cousins till they yell out for mommy to stop us. Then teach Chinese Sword-fighting to L'll William how to defend himself from the 4 classic witch sisters found in the tales of the Princesses of the Montralotz. Buy lots of stuffs as I'm richer in terms of pounds sterling per Canadian dollars. hah, i'll pay for the rent for putting up a couple of nights in montreal... coz anybody who hails from the Oukay land is flithy rich, and they speak funny and disproportionated English largely because they don't know their "A" as in "Canadians, eh!?" *grins* whatever... I think living with polar bears and sleeping in igloos like what I've done for the past 4 years is so much more interesting than stepping on snails trying to cross the sidewalks on rainy evenings, and almost getting killed by rackless drivers(i mean women too, okay?) who do not know the meaning of yield to pedestrians.

Sounds like a great plan for me this December.......... for dad to consider if he's financially capable to wrap up this gift and send to me... via wire-transfer. I highly doubt the possibility of this gift, so, it'll always be the great plan.

The weather here has been spitting on us everyday, none stop. Little rains, i realized, has driven me crazy. but snow...*smiles* just makes me happy. something wrong with me? Not really. There's no aesthetic values attached to rain as oppose to snows, maybe that's why I like the latter more although they are both gloomy days.

Maple leaves are now found all over the ground assorted with multiple colors. Like Jim Carrey in Bruce Almighty would say, should he describe what I think is... B-E-A-UUUuuuu-tiful! Canada-eh? Toronto Mapel Leaf (TML) fans' site.

I was up in Manchester on Sunday's afternoon to meet up Wang's friend, who was her business partner. The 2 Korean friends, apparently are also 2 fanatics for soccer. When we arrived back in Leeds, we realized we've spent £24.60 unnecessarily for the travel just to watch the match on TV in a bar. We chatted and got to know them better as well. because of the disgusting UK weather, we didn't go anywhere else. heard Manchester's Asian street or typically known as China town is one of UK's best. Waay better than Leeds, hence warrants a must-go-and-check-it-out next time.
*in deep thoughts* hmm, sounds like a familiar story. did i tell this story already??

I had not slept and I'm at campus at this moment. Too much thoughts running in and out of my overproductive brain; should be in the dumpster... before i kill myself. *gasp!* that's a tabooed word! mom will kill you! *gasp!* again!!

So, ladies and gentlemen, you have now visualized the psychological paranoia of an insomnia, which I think I'm turning out to be... because of our coffee-drinking Korean friends which, out of respect, I have to comply.

I hope I have entertained myself. Certainly, this is NOT a cause for worry(-ies to mom) to myself...

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