Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Mesmerising peck

I was at the Kirkstall bar.
I was kissed by my classmate, an English girl. Our hands were held together, supposedly to be a handshake, and were saying see-you-later dialogues.

It was 23:10 then. Right after, I turned around and walked away from her already feeling the best traumatic mix feelings of happiness and embarrassment, well, more like blushing. That's the first kiss right there! She's sweet! scho schweeet!

For the next half hour there was nohting on my mind except mesmerising that kiss. The sound she made the she planted her lips on my left cheek. The feel of her lipstick on my cheek after. The way she looked at me when I can see her face again. drove me crazy for a bit... I just had to talk to somebody.

Unfortunately, I picked the security gruad, a very nice chap, as my victim for a conversation about life in Leeds... just to soften the afterscock effects resulted from the kiss. Now that I'm writing about it, I couldn't help thinking about it.

I'm going to bed. I'm going to have a very, very goooooooood sound sleep!

...later guys!

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