Monday, January 10, 2005

What is Judicial Review?

If you've been directed by search engine to this webpage in your quest to find an answer to the title above, look no further. Or should I say, read no further? I shall provide you with no answers at all. Click here to find some entertainment and get some life instead of screwing all your time trying to undestand something umcomprehenable such as the scope and effectiveness of Judicial Review in the UK or the Commonwealth nations.

I am writing a 1,500 word limit paper on the topic. It's just too difficult and complicated to a numbed cranium like mine to absorb and digest all in. Most cases are forever too long and mundane to read and sometimes, if not most, judges (as there are usually more than 3 of them either assenting or dissenting) would repeat the entire story and I couldn't help but to feel bored after a while. I don't know about some of you though... not sure if every law students actually put themselves in such lifeless ground to read a sixty over pages case. Every judge or lawlord has to say something lenghty otherwise s/he is deemed to not have taken the matter in full consideration.

I wish to say that there is perhaps no specific definition to Judicial Review as one would get for specific terminologies like "Opportunity Cost", "Marginal Cost", or "Marshallian Demand" or what is a "slut"?

As I was reading an especially long brain-numbing article on the topic, I came across a subtopic of 'Natural Justice'. "The requirements of natural justice are essentially rules of the common law, which are now butressed under the Human Rights Act 1998 by article 6(1) ECHR: ... "

Hmm... somehow my mind went to imagine wild things as soon as my eyes read passed the word 'buttressed'. *sniggers* I deemed my thoughts improper and inappropriate so I'll leave it to your imagination. Hint: girls! naked ones. mm... being buttressed in every way under naked... OKAY!! stop! say no more.

After submitting all my work on Tuesday, I think I need to take a break and go somewhere... like Prague!! It's in Czech Republic and heard the return air ticket cost only 80 quids. Not a bad deal actually for freshening and UN-numbing of my brain before somebody thinks it need to be placed in a dumpster--forever!

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